Our Mission Statement

The Hill Bank and Trust Co. is an independent community bank pledged to maintain its financial independence and to provide quality banking services to the people, businesses and institutions of the Weimar, Texas area.

We believe our most important assets are our customers and employees. We are dedicated to provide a positive work environment in which employees are always motivated to uphold our pledge to friendly customer service.

We take pride in our commitment to deliver services person to person, in a professional and courteous manner, while managing our business with integrity, financial prudence and efficiency to produce maximum long term value for our customers.

We demonstrate responsibility as a good corporate citizen through continued financial strength, and unwavering support for the Weimar area with a focused commitment to the people we serve here.

Bank History

The Hill Bank and Trust Co. has its roots in Weimar, Texas. The Bank dates back to 1873, the same year the town was founded. At that time, T. A. Hill and J. J. Holloway formed a private bank known as Hill and Holloway, Bankers. They opened for business in the back of their merchandise store on Jackson Square in downtown Weimar.

In 1912, the then prosperous private bank owned by T. A. Hill was incorporated as a state bank and named T. A. Hill State Bank. The economic depression of the 1930’s required additional capital, and so on November 4, 1931, The Hill Bank and Trust Co. was chartered as the more strongly capitalized successor to the original T. A. Hill State Bank.

The Hill Bank has long been recognized for its capital strength and ownership stability. For over 130 years the Bank has operated out of one location providing banking services exclusively for the people, agricultural, and business interests of the surrounding Weimar area. It is the only remaining independently owned and locally managed bank domiciled in Weimar, Texas.

The fifth generation descendants of investors, officers, and directors in the original T. A. Hill State Bank remain fully supportive of the Hill Bank’s conservative management philosophy. There is no plan for the Bank to operate from any other location, to open any new branch, or to expand its services outside of the immediate Weimar area. The Hill Bank is steadfast in its commitment to a long-term policy of independence and financial strength backed by a strong board of directors of locally prominent community leaders. We will continue to seek new depositors and new loan opportunities and, to otherwise help promote the economic development of the Weimar area.


Phone: 979-725-9575

Lobby Hours

M-F: 9:00-3:00


M-Th: 8:00-4:30
Fri: 8:00-6:00
Sat: 8:00-Noon

Email the Bank

Telephone Banking

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